World Bee Day

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Pollinator loss threatens food security in an already fragile supply chain.

Nzatu Food Group includes Youth from the local communities in beekeeping training sessions to share effective apiary management techniques that enhance indigenous biodiversity and pollinator abundance, with a socio-economic incentive.

Nzatu Food Group promotes integrated pest management (IPM) among its farmer network.

Nzatu Food Group aims to phase out pesticides that threaten pollinators and harm human health, including the farmworkers and rural communities on the frontlines of exposure.

These widely used chemicals also threaten soil life, central to regenerative farming approaches that enhance farmers’ resilience to climate change, conserve water and improve soil’s ability to sequester carbon.

Articolo precedente
Balancing Economic Growth and Biodiversity Protection Through Private Sector Engagement and Fair Wages
Articolo successivo
Nzatu Food Group and Global Conservation Corps at the 27th Festival Cineambiente

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