Balancing Economic Growth and Biodiversity Protection Through Private Sector Engagement and Fair Wages

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Private sector engagement with funds and technology must flow to support local indigenous communities to help them balance economic growth and biodiversity protection. One influences the other, and has been proven to mitigate human-wildlife conflict as well as rural-urban migration that exerts socio-economic pressure on emerging country capitals. Fair wages and maintaining biodiversity is the best way to support local growth and development, and inspire global models of growth in harmony with nature.

Michele Sofisti: “I was watching and listening to Italy President Sergio Mattarella at UN Assembly earlier this afternoon. A courageous inspiring speach touching all today world relevant themes. Among them, to me, I was finally listening to a world leader mentioning about the absurdity to invest heavily in weapons instead investing in environmental solutions to face climate change issues and biodiversity losses. And also pointing out the importance of the Continent of Africa which will be key for a positive peaceful future for the world. Some of the African Countries can definitely show the possibility and reality of positive wildlife and biodiversity conservation and regenerative agriculture developments versus intensive monoculture .

Growing in harmony with Nature is the solution for economic growth even for indigenous communities, and a peaceful future.
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