Panel on global milestones and challenges in wildlife conservation

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This week, Nzatu Food Group’s Chiesi Andrea was on a panel of experts to discuss global milestones and challenges in wildlife conservation. With an increase of wolf populations across Europe, it is imperative to take learnings from other parts of the world and design locally adapted solutions.

“From the Rhinos to the Wolves” in partnership with Comune di Sala Baganza and Parchi Del Ducato, the panel opened a discussion on local conservation and global learnings with @col. Pier Luigi Fedele, Davide Bomben, and passionate naturalist and wildlife photographer @Sara Stojkovic.

Articolo precedente
How to save 27,000 Rhinos. An interesting panel discussion at Cineammbiente festival
Articolo successivo
Michele Sofisti at Top Tier Impact’s Nature and Biodiversity summit

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