Nzatu Food Group at the Regenerative Society Foundation’s annual meeting

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Nzatu Food Group’s Michele Sofisti shared the group’s vision at the Regenerative Society Foundation’s annual meeting of founding members in Rome.

The members are committed to promoting systemic change all along their value chains, touching various topics from biodiversity, technology, climate change and the circular economy.

Regenerative Society Foundation’s statement: “Organizing moments to meet in person, share insights and bring up different points of view is key. We need everybody’s contribution to build RSF future and be as impactful as possible.
Our foundation is made by and for companies, each with their unique view and contribution. Each industry follow different paths to regeneration, but the approach must be the same: acting as a regenerative company that applies long-term strategies for restoring, protecting and preserving Nature and the common wellbeing. We thank NATIVA for hosting our workshop last week in Rome and all participants for making this day so insightful and engaging.”

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