Cibus 2024 Press Release

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Nzatu is an impact company created in Zambia under the vision of the two sisters who believe that regenerative agriculture can be a nature-based solution that we must adopt to create value in Africa, for Africa.
Nzatu Europe SA is now incorporated in Switzerland with subsidiaries in Zambia and South Africa, with activity in over 10 countries in Africa to promote initiatives that achieve a triple impact

  • Social impact – Several thousand farmers from indigenous communities, enabling long-term economic sustainability
  • Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation – Working with the best and most active organizations
  • Climate Change Mitigation – Agroforestry, intercropping, apiary management, soil regeneration

Nzatu is a nature-based solution that promotes regenerative agriculture models to produce sustainable food without interfering with natural processes and wildlife habitat. Land, healthy
soils, water and genetic resources are key inputs into food production, and their growing scarcity in many parts of the world makes it imperative to use and manage them sustainably.
Boosting yields on existing agricultural lands, including restoration of degraded lands, through sustainable agricultural practices would relieve pressure to clear forests for agricultural
production. Given expected changes in temperatures, precipitation and pests associated with climate change, the global community is called upon to increase research and investment to
improve the sustainability of food systems everywhere. Building resilience of local food systems will be critical to averting large-scale future shortages and to ensuring food security
and good nutrition for all.

The prevailing market problem of food insecurity, intensive agricultural practices, farmers’ vulnerability to climate change and lack of women and youth participation in the industry are
some key issues that Nzatu aims to tackle.
Nzatu addresses these issues by ensuring that smallholder farmers are shielded from the impacts of climate change on agriculture and connecting them with markets at a fair price.

Nzatu’s support to Farmers

  • Nzatu can guarantee market linkage for honey, coffee, indegenous grains and other agroforestry products.
  • Nzatu provides training to the rural communities in production, processing, harvesting and apiary management.
  • Wherever economically viable, Nzatu will also provide extension support to the farmers.
  • When not viable, alternative structures and models will be established to ensure that farmers have the required technical advisory support that they need to increase productivity.
  • The rural communities and subsistence farmers are the key beneficiaries of this initiative.
  • This project will create a favorable environment to market produce by establishing collection and processing centers that are linked to markets.
  • They will train other farmers on beekeeping since some will have been trained as T.O.Ts (Trainers of Trainees).
  • This is achieved through a combination of adequate training and easy access to acquiring equipment, extension and advisory support, a guaranteed market for their produce at a mutually acceptable price.



Nzatu’s technology partners leverage the power of Blockchain to ensure end to end traceability of food and pollinators across supply chains and provide digital measurement,
reporting and verification (DMRV) capabilities to realize high quality verifiable carbon credits for accelerating climate action and sustainability goals.

Leveraging technologies that connect multiple participants across the supply chain and helps them securely exchange verifiable and auditable data leading to mutual trust, accountability
and transparency amongst the participating actors. Nzatu’’s technolgy partners offer scalable solutions from an individual farmer, small co-operatives, farmer producer companies to large
agribusiness corporations, and government agencies.

In addition to traceability, Nzatu’s partners generate the carbon footprint and sequestration throughout the supply chain, thus meeting EUDR compliance.
The technolgiesleverage Nzatu’srelationships with the Forest Ranger services who can collect on-field data from protected and sensitive zones.

Nzatu’s Network Partners

Regenerative Society Foundation
Producers Trust
Seeds & Chips

Read the official press release

Articolo precedente
Empowering Indigenous Communities through Regenerative Agriculture
Articolo successivo
Nature Positive by 2030: the race is on!

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